Monday, March 8, 2010

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." Mahatma Gandhi

Yesterday was probably the most fun and energetic day we’ve had on the ship. It was the day of the Sea Olympics and we got the day off to participate in the events and cheer on our seas… it was like a big party all day…. and then we had a barbeque for dinner and the closing ceremonies! I felt like I was at summer camp and it was the big field day at the end or something….. it was so much fun and everyone got really into it. Each sea painted a huge banner which my sea (Aegean!!!!) got second place for, and last night during the opening ceremonies we each ran in with our banner singing our chant. People were dressed in the funniest things…. this one guy Danny was in a full orange suit (because his sea was orange) which I assume he had made in Vietnam just for this cause I don’t know why else he would have it! There are some really funny and crazy people on this ship.  So during the olympics there were events like dodge ball, tug-of-war, synchronized swimming, lip-sync/dance competition, a big relay at the end, and a bunch of others. The synchronized swimming (which we won thanks to our star choreographer Allyn Auslander) and the lip-syncing competition were the best by far….. the routines were hilarious and so creative.. I got a lot of it on video.
It’s hard to describe how fun the day was haha it’s something you have to be there for…. but I wish every day at sea could be like this! We’re so close to the equator and it’s been so hot out lately…. whenever I go up to the 7th deck it’s just like a huge pool party…… it feels waay more like a cruise than school :)  ..and not only that, but we’re on our way to India. Not much to complain about.
Around 7 this morning we passed right by some of the Nicobar islands. We passed close to one that looks like it could come straight out of Survivor or Pirates of the Caribbean! It was a small island with white beaches and lined in a dense forest of palm trees…and on one end of it was a big shipwreck! It was so surreal…. I felt like there should be people waving at us who have been deserted there. It was really neat to see. And then I found out later in global studies that pygmi-like tribe people live on the islands and no non-Indian citizen is allowed to go there. …It seems like something out of a movie or something I’ve read about….I can’t believe all this is real life sometimes!
Haha I think I sound so dumb on here sometimes….oh well. Three more days til we reach Chennai…. and I’m finally caught up on everything and don’t have much to do, so I guess I’ll just have to soak up the sun and be bored =P
Can’t wait to write about my experiences in India- it’s the country I’ve been most looking forward to of them all, and the point in the trip they say changes our lives!!

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